Rylee's cute smile

Just too cute...

Friday, February 27, 2009

My baby is 9 Months old...

I can't believe Rylee is now nine months old. I know everyone tells you how fast they grow up, but you just don't know until it happens to you. I believe everyone now. In fact, Larry and I were just talking last night how Rylee has now been with us for the same amount of time I was pregnant with her. I definately believe that her nine months of life has gone by faster than her dwelling in my tummy. On another note, I just have to mention just how brave she was today at the doctor for her 9 month check-up. She had to have blood taken, so they did the finger prick and just kept pushing blood out of her little finger. She just sat there the whole time, looking around and just being so good. She was pretty excited to play with the bandaid on her finger and try to eat the cotton ball though. Ugh.
Also I took some pics of her today, so I'm posting them as well. WOW a busy blog day for me, huh? I might as well get it all out while I'm typing.


Pambo said...

Rylee is just the cutest little thing! She looks so much like her momma. I found your blog while I was checking out Casey's. Hope you don't mind a comment or two. Love the photos.
I've been having trouble with the blogger site lately also.

Anonymous said...

Oh, she is so sweet. Love those chubby cheeks!

I am glad you are on blogger now, so I can keep up with all that is going on with you guys.

That's so funny about her trying to eat the cotton ball and bandaid. Reminds me of Will Ferrell in Elf. Remember that part where he is eating all the cotton balls at the doctor's office. Funny.

She's a silly girl.

twingrlsplus1 said...

1st of all I love the comment Casey left about the cotton ball!! 2nd loves the pics of little Miss today, she is such a doll, just love her....too sweet:) I also can't believe 9 mths, too too fast they grow. Glad the doc. apt went well!! TTYS

Christi said...

Pam, of course you can comment, anytime! Thanks for all the complements on Rylee.
Hey Casey, That is hilarious, I would've never remembered that about Elf!
Amanda, thanks for such sweet remarks about Rylee! I know you love her dearly!

twingrlsplus1 said...

Just stopped by to get a Rylee fix! She is too cute.....miss her and you guys. I pray we can get some time to hang out soon!! The girls keep us entirely too busy!! C u soon